Are you looking to connect with fellow nudists? Try looking online.
In addition to the main GNI website and Memberclicks community, we also have accounts on various social networking sites. Having a presence online allows GNI to not only provide general information on the organization but also connect with fellow nudists and organizations.
How does this help you connect with fellow nudists? When you follow GNI on sites like Twitter or Instagram you'll also notice other users who are nudists that also follow the accounts. In addition, the sites allow you to repost the messages from GNI giving you online exposure with content that is interesting to fellow nudists. How is this done? Most posts contain text called hashtags that other users can search for when looking for others interested in similar content and users. (In addition to hashtags like #nudism and #malenudists, posts related to this year's gathering include #GNI2016.)
If you're interested in more nudist specific content check out GNI's accounts on the "True Nudists" and "Naked Guys Travel" website. In addition to fellow nudists who follow the accounts there are also various groups that we're member of on the sites to connect with fellow nudists on the sites.
So if you're already on one of the sites below or looking to get started and need help connecting with fellow nudists follow the links to our accounts. Follow us. "Like" and repost the messages that like. Follow fellow users. And don't forget to include #GNI2016 for your posts from this year's gathering.
"Life is Great; Live it Nude!"©