How to Get Involved at
The Gathering - Sponsor a Special Interest Group (SIG):
GNI members have many
different interests in addition to being a naturist. GNI is the host of
activities that focus on the entire Gathering such as the social hour, dance
club, and entertainment in the auditorium. In addition, there are many
different activities which are sponsored and funded by cabins or special
interest groups.
GNI's official schedule
will offer other naked activities to attend during the time when SIG parties
are scheduled. Each of us can self-select what we want to do with our time. No
one is required to participate in everything, or anything, for that matter.
Some special interest group activities attract 5 to 10 people and others
attract 100 or more. GNI's goal is to encourage groups to offer activities of
interest to a segment of the men attending The Gathering. If the activity is of
interest to all, then everyone is welcome. Choose what you want to do and skip
the things that don't interest you.
It's what makes The Gathering fun.
It's what makes The Gathering fun.